Thursday, October 7, 2010

Canadian Leftovers

Well, I can't sleep and I'm thinking it had something to do with the leftover Kanki (I spelled it wrong last post, whoops) whispering to me to eat it from the fridge. It's longing calls finally became too much to bear so I'm stuffing my face with it right now. I finally figured out how to see who's been viewing my blog and while I would like to say that I'm just tech savvy, in all truth and honesty it was purely by accident. On that note, I would like to give a shout out to the one person from Canada who has at least clicked on my blog! Pretty sure I know who you are but if you're actually a complete stranger then that's totally cool too. I have to respect, well respect's not really the right word... Appreciate (better) someone who lives so damn far north. I do not enjoy going over the Mason-Dixon line... hell, I hate going further north than the state line in any season except summer. The further north, the smaller the window of acceptable weather. I lived in Montana when I was pregnant during winter, spring, and summer. Never. Again. It snowed while I was there. I know what you're thinking, "but you were there during winter, of course it snowed, wouldn't it be weird if it didn't snow? What is your IQ? Do I need to find someone to help you?" Yes, it was pretty much complete snow until like April when there was only the occasional flurry. Then it snowed in fucking June. Montana is very beautiful and the people are great but I could never live long term in a state where it sometimes snows in the damn summer. God only knows what could happen in the summer in Canada. So again, thank you to my Canadian looker, may you not get frost bite next July.


  1. I love the fact that you misspelt Kanki even though she mentioned in the post that she misspelt it last time and corrected herself. NICE. WORK. SENOR.
