Monday, June 14, 2010


So today was a complete failure... I ended up staying up til 5 last night because my daughter, Violet, wanted to sleep in our bed instead of her own. That would have been fine if she'd gone to bed. Instead she'd lay down and cuddle and then pop right back up and start telling you one thing or another, or trying and tickle her daddy or hit him in the face, or make him roll over. So I ended up sleeping all day today. Like beyond out of it until about 5:30. Now before anyone's panties get in a bunch, my boyfriend was home so he took care of Violet today. I did need the sleep and it's nice to get a break from the constant talking. A lot of the stuff my daughter says is REALLY funny but she also does something i call the JibberJabber Assault. This is when she won't stop talking for about an hour straight and wants you to be engaged in what she's saying that entire time. I can do the first 20 min or so but after that I want stuff whatever I can find in my ears. Ignoring her makes it worse too. She'll repeat the last thing she said making it louder and louder everytime and then if you're close to her she'll grab your face and turn it towards her. Toddlers should really be used to break suspects. I loved it when she was little and she'd talk a lot but it was mostly gibberish and she'd say something once and be done with it. Understanding her is a plus. I like being able to know what she wants and not just guessing. Motherhood is definitely a balance. Sometimes that balance is enjoying your child and not enjoying some of the things your child does.

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