Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nipple Confusion

Breastfeeding is a big topic for new moms, myself included. It's been the norm for the whole of humanity until the introduction formula. Because of the cost, using formula became a status symbol and still prevails today. Companies use hospitals and doctor offices to peddle their product to new moms. They tout the health benefits and the DHA levels. Breast milk, however, is what all babies need in some form or another. Breast milk contains antibodies which boost the immune system of newborns, something formula cannot imitate. It's like buying the off brand snacks. Sure they'll taste similar, but they're not the same thing. Don't get me wrong either, I understand that not all women can breastfeed, but all women should at least try. My milk wasn't fatty enough for my daughter and she wasn't gaining enough weight so she supplemented with formula. I still continued to nurse her, but I'd follow up with formula. For those who don't feel comfortable with their child attached to their nipple, there is always pumping.
Public feeding is also an issue in our society today. People seem to get really outraged when a woman breast feeds her child in a public place and it really pisses me off. Most women try to be very discreet and modest when feeding a baby. They use blankets and other covers but still people seem to have a hissy fit. I still haven't seen anyone breastfeeding on TV either. Ex, Kendra (from the Girls Next Door) has shown her boobs on TV more times than I can count but I have not seen her breastfeed her son once. She expressed interest in it while pregnant and I think she would be a good person to just get it out there and be seen.
I know, I'm on a bit of a rant here but this is something I really believe in. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and breastfeeding and food until 2 years or beyond. That's right people, 2 years. As your child grows, your breast milk changes to suit their needs. So don't think that you're giving them the same milk as when they were babies. There's also a false rumor going around that toddlers who breastfeed are more depedant than their formula counterparts. Breastfed toddlers are actually more indepedant and healthier since they get the antibodies that I talked about before. I'm not ashamed to admit that I breast fed my daughter until she was about a year and a half. She then just stopped and drinks regular whole milk now and is very indepedant. Some children do wean themselves early and some need the comfort of breastfeeding beyond 2 years. After a year of age, it's less about the food aspect of the milk and more about the antibodies and comfort. It makes the child feel secure and allows them to feel better about exploring the world because they feel very bonded with you.

alright, that was my little soapbox moment for breastfeeding. As I said, I'm very passionate about the subject and could really write a lot more on the subject but I'll save it for another day.


  1. Well said my dear. Really enjoyed this one!!!

  2. Well in terms of public breastfeeding I think it depends on the place. I know some people get all annoyed for any public breastfeeding, but most people only care if it's actually inappropriate.

    Good time: at a restaurant, at a table in the corner with the little blanket thing.

    Bad time: at a restaurant, at the front table right next to the door on a Saturday night.

    Good time: in the car in the back seat on the way to something.

    Bad time: in the car in the back seat in the middle of a parade with no freaking cover on your boob and the windows down. (I saw this a few years ago at the Christmas parade. No joke.)
