So I am pretty sure my daughter will be smarter than me. I am fairly bright and I was good in school but if Violet's learning level continues at a steady rate then she may be all sorts of crazy smart. Now, I', not saying that she's like the kids who start putting their letter blocks together into full sentences at the age of 3 but she'll be well above average in her class.
I have to take a little side note here because I was very rudely interrupted. I have a laptop so I like to write my posts in the bath tub (well not physically in it but at a table next to it). Violet has recently figured out how to open all the doors in our house and we only have two covers for the door handles. We have one on her door, although we could move it now, because we used to close her door for naps and the other one is on our closet door because Violet keeps closing herself in and not being able to get back out. I like to have my little bit of alone time while in the bath so I locked the door today. Daddy is pissed off because of this and that really makes me angry. I told him I was going to take a bath and he knows Violet can open the door. Also, if he really needs to he can unlock it from the outside. Five minutes ago he came and literally pounded on the door to ask if something was a "browning disk". 1) I don't know what the fuck that is and 2) I am in the bath leave me alone.
I'm a little too angry and distracted to finish up what I was saying so I'll post more on why Violet's brain scares me a little bit, tomorrow.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Zombie Sexuality

If you're my friend on facebook then you probably already know that I've been ridiculously tired the past week or so. As the title of this post suggests, I've felt like a complete zombie even after sleeping a good nights sleep. It's like I don't sleep while I'm asleep which would go along well with the action packed dreams I've been having. The worse part about all of this is that it completely kills my patience. On an average day I have a pretty high level of patience and can deal with the screaming, banging, and question assaults. On exhausted days I can deal with one tantrum, half a banging, and only repeating a question once. I really try to distract the situation with offers of a book or something else that's fun but there are times when that doesn't work so we've had a lot of time outs this week. Daddy's been frustrated as well with Violet this week because she won't let him do anything. She wants him with her 24/7 and won't stop calling for him as long as he's home (and sometimes when he's not). Violet loves me, but I'm the one that gives time outs so she sees Daddy as the fun parent. He also gives her what she wants much faster than I do (if I do at all) So I think she also feels like he's the one to go to get her way. Although it's actually very difficult to give Violet what she wants because she never seems to know. I'll ask what she wants for a snack and she'll say "goldfish" so I go and get her a bowl of goldfish and like partway through pouring I hear her screaming "NO I DON'T WANT GOLDFISH" so then we go through a list of snacks and she doesn't want any of them. Then she'll want the snack we ran out of three days ago and finally settle of the original request of gold fish.... We repeat this pattern for every single meal. At big meals, however, I won't make her something different but I may add a side of something (like another fruit or vegetable).
On a non related note, I was reading recently that Teen Mom Amber (the one who's facing felony assault charges against her ex-fiance) was dating a couple of guys. What surprised me were some of the comments that people posted about her. There was a comment about her being a whore or a slut like every other comment. A lot of people were calling her a bad mom as well but not because of the assault but because of her dating life. I just don't understand why we're held to a different standard because of our age. If Amber was in her 30s and a single mom, people would praise her for getting herself out there and dating but because she's 20 (like me) and a mom she's some sort of deviant. If I were single and Violet was staying with her dad I would probably date casually. I wouldn't bring them home to Violet but I would date on my own time. I think it's age appropriate to not really be serious about any one guy (obviously not in all cases since I'm with Daddy and a couple of my friends are married) I don't know, I guess it annoys me because I wouldn't want people saying things like about me if I was single and starting to date again. It could be that those people really were just angry because Amber's not being the best mom she can be for a slew of other reasons.
If you can please donate a Knock Knock Joke for Violet in the comments section. If your comment doesn't show up, it's because you didn't type in the security thingy that shows up after you hit post. She really needs some new ones!!!
On a non related note, I was reading recently that Teen Mom Amber (the one who's facing felony assault charges against her ex-fiance) was dating a couple of guys. What surprised me were some of the comments that people posted about her. There was a comment about her being a whore or a slut like every other comment. A lot of people were calling her a bad mom as well but not because of the assault but because of her dating life. I just don't understand why we're held to a different standard because of our age. If Amber was in her 30s and a single mom, people would praise her for getting herself out there and dating but because she's 20 (like me) and a mom she's some sort of deviant. If I were single and Violet was staying with her dad I would probably date casually. I wouldn't bring them home to Violet but I would date on my own time. I think it's age appropriate to not really be serious about any one guy (obviously not in all cases since I'm with Daddy and a couple of my friends are married) I don't know, I guess it annoys me because I wouldn't want people saying things like about me if I was single and starting to date again. It could be that those people really were just angry because Amber's not being the best mom she can be for a slew of other reasons.
If you can please donate a Knock Knock Joke for Violet in the comments section. If your comment doesn't show up, it's because you didn't type in the security thingy that shows up after you hit post. She really needs some new ones!!!
Amber Portwood,
knock knock jokes,
Teen Mom
Monday, November 15, 2010
Knock Knock. Who's there? A Tantrum.
Due to many complicated, unforeseen circumstances and my sheer lack of motivation, I haven't posted in a few days. For those of you who actually read this blog instead of stumbling upon it from where ever it is you do that sort of thing, I apologize.
Lately Violet has been out of control. It's kind of like getting a preview of what to expect when she's a teenager. Every time her daddy and I tell her to do something she tells us no. It can be something big or small or even fun but she still won't do it. We give warnings and time outs in our house (and stickers when she's good) and I have to physically block her way out of the corner until her time is up. Of course, when I do that she thinks it's some kind of game which defeats the purpose of the time out. We're also at the point where we can't really take her to the store anymore because it's a nightmare. I'm fine with Violet walking on her own around the store as long as she either holds one of our hands or at least sticks close. However, Violet likes to dash off as fast as she can into the busiest aisles. When I go to catch her she starts screaming her head off and collapses onto the floor. It drives me nuts.
Sleeping is another big issue right now. After our bitch of a downstairs neighbor threatened to call CPS because Violet was banging on her door at nap time, we started putting her to bed in her play crib. That worked great until we went to Disney where the play crib was just a little too low and Violet learned how to climb out. Now she realizes she can climb out of the one at home and likes to bang on the door again. We've started leaving the door open and putting the gate up (although she climb over that the other day as well). We also turn on the hall light since Violet recently decided she's afraid of the dark, too. She's so nimble when she climbs it's hard to be upset. The way she manuevers, by the time she's on the ground there hasn't been a single sound. It scares you half to death, though, when you're in the other room and suddenly she's behind you giggling. Thanks to all of these extra measures Violet no longer takes a nap usually (because she can see us doing things with the door open) and it takes at least an hour to get her calm enough to go to bed.
On a lighter note, we've been working on our Knock Knock jokes. Violet doesn't really understand them, but she likes to do them. Daddy and I's collective memory of the jokes consists of two and then we recently got one off the Big Bang Theory on CBS. So Daddy and I will do the joke first and then try and get her to do it. She does great with the first part but can't quite get the punch line out. Ex.
Violet: Knock Knock
Mommy: Who's there?
Violet: banana
Mommy: Banana who?
Violet: at door.
She's little bit too literal about the whole thing and will also substitute any fruit for the banana. If you have any Knock Knock jokes that you would like to submit, feel free to do so in the comments section :).
Lately Violet has been out of control. It's kind of like getting a preview of what to expect when she's a teenager. Every time her daddy and I tell her to do something she tells us no. It can be something big or small or even fun but she still won't do it. We give warnings and time outs in our house (and stickers when she's good) and I have to physically block her way out of the corner until her time is up. Of course, when I do that she thinks it's some kind of game which defeats the purpose of the time out. We're also at the point where we can't really take her to the store anymore because it's a nightmare. I'm fine with Violet walking on her own around the store as long as she either holds one of our hands or at least sticks close. However, Violet likes to dash off as fast as she can into the busiest aisles. When I go to catch her she starts screaming her head off and collapses onto the floor. It drives me nuts.
Sleeping is another big issue right now. After our bitch of a downstairs neighbor threatened to call CPS because Violet was banging on her door at nap time, we started putting her to bed in her play crib. That worked great until we went to Disney where the play crib was just a little too low and Violet learned how to climb out. Now she realizes she can climb out of the one at home and likes to bang on the door again. We've started leaving the door open and putting the gate up (although she climb over that the other day as well). We also turn on the hall light since Violet recently decided she's afraid of the dark, too. She's so nimble when she climbs it's hard to be upset. The way she manuevers, by the time she's on the ground there hasn't been a single sound. It scares you half to death, though, when you're in the other room and suddenly she's behind you giggling. Thanks to all of these extra measures Violet no longer takes a nap usually (because she can see us doing things with the door open) and it takes at least an hour to get her calm enough to go to bed.
On a lighter note, we've been working on our Knock Knock jokes. Violet doesn't really understand them, but she likes to do them. Daddy and I's collective memory of the jokes consists of two and then we recently got one off the Big Bang Theory on CBS. So Daddy and I will do the joke first and then try and get her to do it. She does great with the first part but can't quite get the punch line out. Ex.
Violet: Knock Knock
Mommy: Who's there?
Violet: banana
Mommy: Banana who?
Violet: at door.
She's little bit too literal about the whole thing and will also substitute any fruit for the banana. If you have any Knock Knock jokes that you would like to submit, feel free to do so in the comments section :).
Big Bang Theory,
knock knock jokes,
Friday, November 5, 2010
It Puts the Home in FCH

One of the worst feelings in the world is to have absolutely no control over anything. It was bad enough that I was barely seventeen and pregnant but now I was roughly 2200 miles and eight states away from home. I wasn't even in the South like I had so fervently asked, but almost as far north as you could go without being in Canada. I was tired, sick to my stomach, and once again finding myself "kidnapped" on the orders of my own parents. I was set and determined to get any control back I could through any means I could and not let anyone take it away from me again.
The place I ended up was called Florence Crittenton Home and there are places similar to the one in Montana all over the United States. I didn't think I'd make a single friend there but somehow I found myself a home of sorts. Most of the other girls there were from Montana and had been sent there by the state for various reasons and some had even chosen to come (something I have trouble understanding even now). The Home is a safe place for young girls to come that provides food, shelter, and a number of counseling services. I feel like an ad right now but it really is a great place to find yourself if you're young and pregnant with little to no options. There are, of course, challenges to living with ten other pregnant or parenting teenagers but you form a bond with them that's very different. I went to high school in Montana and I made a few friends in school but I didn't hang out after school and I didn't have a cell phone to call them with so my only friends were those at the Home. I feel like the biggest challenge though was having Daddy so very very far away. He only got to visit twice total. Once when I was about six months along and then again when it was my due date. I was actually induced the night before he was supposed to leave and he only got one day with Violet before he had to go back home. She was two or three weeks old by the time he saw her again. It would have been unbearably hard for to cope with if I hadn't had Sarah, Kara, Maria, Jane, or any of the other amazing staff members there. Even through all my ire, hellfire, and stubborness they managed to get close to me. I met Jane first and the first thing I said to her was that I'd been kidnapped. It cracks her up now :). What I'm really trying to say here is that if you find yourself young and pregnant or just alone and pregnant there are places like this all over the country and before you find yourself too far down the rabbit hole you should check one out. Having a good support system is good no matter what you decide about your pregancy.
If you live in the Montana area and would like to donate you can go here
and if you live anywhere else you can google Florence Critteton and your state to find their website.
The place I ended up was called Florence Crittenton Home and there are places similar to the one in Montana all over the United States. I didn't think I'd make a single friend there but somehow I found myself a home of sorts. Most of the other girls there were from Montana and had been sent there by the state for various reasons and some had even chosen to come (something I have trouble understanding even now). The Home is a safe place for young girls to come that provides food, shelter, and a number of counseling services. I feel like an ad right now but it really is a great place to find yourself if you're young and pregnant with little to no options. There are, of course, challenges to living with ten other pregnant or parenting teenagers but you form a bond with them that's very different. I went to high school in Montana and I made a few friends in school but I didn't hang out after school and I didn't have a cell phone to call them with so my only friends were those at the Home. I feel like the biggest challenge though was having Daddy so very very far away. He only got to visit twice total. Once when I was about six months along and then again when it was my due date. I was actually induced the night before he was supposed to leave and he only got one day with Violet before he had to go back home. She was two or three weeks old by the time he saw her again. It would have been unbearably hard for to cope with if I hadn't had Sarah, Kara, Maria, Jane, or any of the other amazing staff members there. Even through all my ire, hellfire, and stubborness they managed to get close to me. I met Jane first and the first thing I said to her was that I'd been kidnapped. It cracks her up now :). What I'm really trying to say here is that if you find yourself young and pregnant or just alone and pregnant there are places like this all over the country and before you find yourself too far down the rabbit hole you should check one out. Having a good support system is good no matter what you decide about your pregancy.
If you live in the Montana area and would like to donate you can go here
and if you live anywhere else you can google Florence Critteton and your state to find their website.
Florence Crittenton Home,
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Walt Disney World was just shy of being everything I had hoped for, for Violet. There really is a certain majesty about the place that makes you so excited and happy. I'm not sure if it has to do with the rides, the spotless streets and sidewalks, the way you can just park your stroller and all your bags and not worry about someone stealing all your stuff, or that you're in Florida and there hasn't been a single mosquito. We went with Daddy's dad's side of the family. All total, there were fourteen people with 5 kids ranging from ages 7 to less than 1. It was really fun being with everyone but if I had the choice of who exactly to go with, I would choose one other family with children close to Violet's age. It's sometimes frustrating and inconvient to be with that many people and find rides for everyone and places to eat, etc. It may have been better if Violet was a little older and could go on more rides. We took her on every ride that she could go on though. I really thought I might be scarring her for life when I took her in the Haunted Mansion but she was totally fine with it. When we came out of the ride I asked her if she like it and she said she wanted to do it again. We took her back on the last night (it was like 10 pm) and went on it again and she still wasn't freaked out or anything. The other ride that I thought might scare her was Pirates of the Carribean but again she was having a great time, even when the ride got stuck for a little bit. I think her favorite ride out of everything was Dumbo. I wish we could have taken her on the Teacup ride or Winnie the Pooh but they were both closed for routine maitenence. They're actually doing a lot of construction at the Magical Kingdom right now. They're buiding Belle's castle and a Little Mermaid ride :D. I'm still recovering from the trip so I'll probably write more on Disney later, but for now this is it.
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